What Are the Signs and Causes of NI-MAX Database File Corruption?

Updated Dec 15, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Issue Details

NI-MAX database file corruption often happen in my system. Resetting NI-MAX database file usually resolves the issue, but what are the signs and causes of NI-MAX database file corruption? 


 NI-MAX database corruption possible signs

The MAX Database corruption can result in several scenarios, some of which are: MAX.jpg  
NI-MAX Database corruption possible causes

As mentioned in the links above some root causes can be related to services (not running or a timeout if the host OS takes a long time to boot), firewalls, internet security programs, a combination of different drivers' versions, and corruption of the driver itself during the installation process. The signs might not be visible but those are aspects to check during the troubleshooting process. below are additional causes of NI-MAX Database corruption.
  • The system reboots without being properly shut down due to a power loss.
Not properly shutting down your computer can affect NI-MAX database update and leads to database corruption.
To be specific, any forced logoff, forced shutdown, forced restart and forced power off should be avoided. For more information on these shutdown methods, refer to this link.
  • System crash.
  • NI Configuration Manager and NI Device Loader service are not running.
  • Having a FieldDAQ device in your NI MAX configuration during an upgrade to DAQmx 18.0 or 18.1

Additionally, access to and thus update of NI MAX database might happen when you start or shutdown your computer, edit device setting or perform device calibration on NI-MAX, take measurements or programmatically perform operations that may change the contents of the MAX database file. Failure updating NI-MAX database during all these processes can lead to a database corruption.