Error 42: This Package Requires Administrative Privileges To Install, In VI Package Manager

Updated May 10, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW 2018
  • LabVIEW Biomedical Toolkit
  • JKI VI Package Manager

Issue Details

  • My VI Package Manager error logs display error 42. How can I troubleshoot this?
  • During the installation of the NI LabVIEW Biomedical Toolkit, the VI Package Manager reports the following message: 

Error Code: 42
Error Source:<ERR>
This package requires administrative privileges to install. Please restart VIPM and LabVIEW as an Administrator to continue installation

How can I solve this error?


The VI Package is improperly attempting to write to <C:\Program Files\National Instruments\_Legal Information> which does not normally exist. 

The first step is to create an empty folder at the location <C:\Program Files\National Instruments\_Legal Information>

Then run LabVIEW and the VI Package Manager as administrator (Right click on the Program icon >> Run as Administrator)

Finally, re-attempt the installation of the NI LabVIEW Biomedical Toolkit.