Error -201426 When Creating a DAQmx Task or Using DAQ Assistant

Updated Aug 29, 2022

Reported In


  • cDAQ-9191
  • NI-9206
  • PCI-6255
  • PCI-6110/6111
  • PXIe-4330


  • LabVIEW Full
  • LabVIEW Base
  • LabVIEW Professional


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

I would like to run a single task simultaneously on multiple devices. When I try to run a task including channels across multiple devices or chassis the following is thrown:

Error -201426 occurred at <function> One or more devices do not support multidevice tasks. Additionally, this error might also occur if one tries to run a thermocouple task with the CJC channel on a different device.


The support for multidevice tasks is a software feature that is not available with all data acquisition devices. The error message that you received will specify which devices are affected by the error. To resolve this issue, you will need to replace the device listed with one that supports multidevice tasks. The product families which support these tasks are: 
  • C Series modules in the same chassis
  • X Series data acquisition modules
  • DSA  data acquisition module.
  • S Series devices
  • SC Express data acquisition modules (exception: modules which use the Delta-Sigma ADC, such as the PXIe-4330 or the PXIe-4331)
Note: DSA and SC Express cards are only capable of multidevice tasks with specific other DSA or SC Express cards. They cannot be put on the same task as an X Series card.

If you are trying to create a DAQmx task with multiple PCI(e) boards you will need to create a DAQmx task for every board. As long as you have a RTSI cable connecting these boards together, you can still do synchronization across boards. Please refer to the documentation on channel expansion with DAQmx for more in depth information. 

Additional Information

DSA and SC Express cards cannot be put on the same task as an X Series card as DSA and SC Express cards have their own onboard oscillator that they will reference for their clock if not otherwise specified. The driver cannot override this in a single task set up. To synchronize X Series and DSA cards, consider reference clock synchronization.