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NI SystemLink Analysis Automation Jupyter Extension Fails at Installation

Updated Sep 1, 2023

Reported In


  • SystemLink
  • Package Manager

Issue Details

I'm installing SystemLink Server through NI Package Manager but I'm getting this error by the end of the installation:

An error occurred while installing a package: ni-systemlink-analysisautomation-jupyter-extension. 
SystemLink Server NIPM error.png


This error can occur when you are performing a SystemLink installation under a long Windows username and you are including the SystemLink TDM Analysis Server Add-On. The username becomes part of a path for the installer script and if it's too long, the path ends up exceeding the maximun (default) Windows path length limitation.

 To address this, enable Windows long path support::
  1. Launch the Registry Editor application (you can search for it in your Windows search bar).
  2. Navigate to Computer >> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> ControlSet001 >> Control >> FileSystem.
  3. Search for the LongPathsEnabled key and set it to 1.
Registry Editor, long path.png

After the installation you can set the LongPathsEnabled key back to 0 if you prefer so.