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SystemLink Analysis Automation Procedure Is Not Triggered

Updated May 23, 2023

Reported In


  • SystemLink
  • DIAdem

Issue Details

  • I have created an Analysis Automation Procedure file (*.ANP) in DIAdem and added this to my SystemLink User Interface (UI). However, my Triggered Task never executes. What's causing this?
  • I have configured a Triggered Task in my Analysis Automation Procedure, but when a new file is added to my Data Source, the task never executes.


This issue can occur due to incorrect data source configuration, Analysis Automation Script errors, or search issues.
Follow the steps below to narrow down and troubleshoot the possible causes:
  • Ensure that files are being moved to the correct Data Source.
    • The Triggered Task must point to a valid Data Source (often an existing DataFinder Instance). Check that:
      • The Data Source name conforms to the <Data Source Name>@<SystemLink Server> format.  for example DataFinder_Instance@server-name.
      • Files are being moved to the correct path. If using a DataFinder Instance, check that the DataFinder Search Area matches the Analysis Automation Procedure Data Source.
  • Configure a Scheduled Task to determine whether this is able to run correctly.
    • In the SystemLink UI, navigate to Measurement Data Analysis >> Analysis Automation.
    • Refer to Adding or Editing Tasks for Analysis Automation Procedures to add a new Scheduled Task.
    • In the Scheduler tab, configure a Recurrence value that accounts for the time it takes to index your files. 
      • Note: files with more properties take longer to index. SystemLink must finish indexing the file to ensure that the task runs as expected.
    • Navigate to the History tab of the Analysis Automation Procedure.
    • If the Scheduled Task produces an error in the Status column, click the error to view details.
      • Error details can highlight issues within the Analysis Automation Script or file paths.
      • The example below indicates that the output path may be incorrect, since "Result ReportsResult Reports" is invalid.
Scheduled Task Error.PNG

Scheduled Task Error Notifcation.PNG
  • Test the Analysis Automation Procedure in DIAdem.
    • From the DIAdem SCRIPT Panel, click Settings >> SystemLink TDM >> Analysis Automation Procedure.
    • Open your *.ANP file and check the following:
      • If Search Queries have been added: click the Search button to verify that the queries find a matching data file. Note: this test will run on the local "My DataFinder". You may need to copy your data file into a My DataFinder Search Area to ensure that it appears in the results.
      • In the Analysis Script tab, ensure that any files referenced in the main script are included here. For example, if exporting a DIAdem Report (*.TDR file), the report template must be added under Files in the analysis automation procedure section.
  • Run the Analysis Automation Script to check for errors.
    • Open the Analysis Automation Procedure in DIAdem and click Debug Analysis Automation Procedure.
    • Monitor the script Logfile window for errors.
Debug Analysis Automation Procedure.PNG
  • Add logging to the Analysis Automation Script to ensure that variables hold expected values, and paths are correct.
    • Logging is included in the "Immediate_Analysis" example procedure.
      • To open this, click Open Analysis Automation Procedure in the DIAdem Analysis Automation Procedure window.
      • Navigate to C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\Analysis Server\Configuration\Immediate_Analysis.anp.
      • Double click "Main.vbsa" from the Analysis Script tab.
      • Scroll through the script to find oContext.LogWarning methods. This demonstrates how variables and paths can be logged to the Logfile window.