LabVIEW Error -1074118654 Occurred with NI-Switch

Updated Jul 25, 2022

Reported In


  • PXI-2599
  • PXI-2596


  • LabVIEW


  • NI-SWITCH 15.0

Issue Details

My NI switch device is not recognized inside of LabVIEW. It does not automatically show up in the Resource Name drop-down and when I try to initialize my switch card by manually entering it's resource name, I receive the message: 

Error -1074118654 occurred at niSwitch Initialize With 

Possible reason(s): 
Invalid resource name. 

Why is this?


First verify that the names of the switches in your code are strictly identical to the ones in NI MAX.

This behavior can also be caused by antivirus programs interfering with the NI driver communication. Disabling your antivirus can fix this behavior. Additionally, if your antivirus software allows you to whitelist programs, you can whitelist the NI-ModInst DLL that handles the communication between the hardware driver and the resources. You can find these DLLs at 
C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\Bin\niModInst.dll on a 32-bit system, or at 
C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Bin\niModInst.dll and 
C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\Bin\niModInst_64.dll on a 64-bit system.