USB3 Camera Disappears From Device Manager When Tied to NI-IMAQdx Driver

Updated Jun 7, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)


  • Vision Acquisition Software


  • Basler Pylon Viewer
  • Basler USB3 Vision Camera

Issue Details

I have a USB3 Vision camera.  When the camera is linked to the Basler driver, it is active and it can be used with the Basler Viewer (Pylon). The camera also shows up in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) but with an error.  If I follow the driver association instructions in the getting started guide, the camera vanishes from the Device Manager list. Using the Windows Device Manager I tried every available driver to get the camera running without success.  However, once I switch back to the Basler driver, the camera works again outside of MAX.  I have tested the camera on my other computer where I can select the NI-IMAQdx USB3 Vision Device driver and as soon as this is done the camera works great.


The most likely cause is a corrupt NI-IMAQdx installation.  We have a few options that may fix this issue: