On Which Devices Can the Digital Input/Output (DIO) Lines Be Individually Configured?

Updated Jun 5, 2018

Reported In


  • Digital I/O Device
  • PXI Digital I/O Module

Issue Details

  • I would like to configure some of the DIO lines for input while other lines in the same DIO port are configured for output. On which boards can the DIO lines be individually configured?
  • In software I am trying to configure individual lines to be input or output. I am able to set some lines to be input, but then I cannot set others to be output. Why is this?


This requires the device to have per line input and output configuration, not just per port. Devices with this per line configuration ability include:
  • All X Series, M Series, E series, and S Series DAQ devices
  • USB 600x
  • PCI-6013
  • PCI-6014
  • PCIe-6509 (does not include the PCI, PXI and USB form factors)
  • NI 653x
  • NI 654x
  • NI 655x
  • NI 656x 
  • NI 660x (does not use the DAQ-STC chip, but has this functionality)
  • NI 671x
  • NI 673x

Additional Information

The DIO lines on any DAQ device that uses the DAQ-STC ASIC can be configured on a per line basis. 

Although the HSDIO cards are not based on DAQ-STC ASIC, all of them can be configured on a per line basis.  

On any 100-pin E-Series DAQ device, only the first DIO port uses the DAQ-STC. Because the other ports use the 8255 ASIC, only port 0 can be configured on a per line basis.

NI-660x devices share digital lines with the counters, so if a counter is being used, those can only be used in the same direction as the counter line.