Error -35027 When Using Embedded CAN Driver

Updated Jun 20, 2023

Reported In


  • sbRIO-9651
  • sbRIO-9627
  • sbRIO-9237


  • LabVIEW


  • NI-Embedded CAN for sbRIO

Issue Details

I am trying to start NI sbRIO-9651 CAN communication using an embedded CAN driver but I’m receiving
error -35027: Hardware problem happens.

What could be causing this error?


Error -35027 generally indicates there is a problem with either accessing CAN network or the CAN port on the Linux-32bit NI sbRIO. 
  • The most common cause of this error is not defining CAN port via a CLIP Generator. The sbRIO-9651 CAN port exists in the way of user-defined FPGA signals which needs to be configured using a sbRIO CLIP Generator. If the Component-Level IP (CLIP) is not defined, the embedded CAN driver can’t detect the CAN port which can yield this error. Refer to NI-Single-Board RIO CLIP Generator Help for more information about the CLIP Generator.
  • The problem could also be related to the physical wiring between the CAN port and the server. 
  • If you are using multiple sbRIO in a system, make sure that the correct resistor is used for termination. Refer to CAN Physical Layer and Termination Guide for more information about CAN termination.

Additional Information

If the error ocurs using sbRIO 9237, use the example NI-Embedded CAN for RIO without connecting the CAN cable. If it works, then check the other CAN nodes configuration in the network.