Is It Possible to Read Data with a Record Size Greater Than 65535 in NI 5783 Getting Started Example?

Updated Dec 30, 2024

Reported In


  • NI-5781
  • NI-5782
  • NI-5783

Issue Details

When we use the NI 5783 Getting Started example, it configures the AI stream for finite recording with a record size of 65535 or less. Can we use a value greater than 65535?


I'm using the sample VI in the following paths: 
C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\examples\FlexRIO\IO Modules\NI 5783\NI 5783 - Getting Started 
C:\Program Files\NI\LVAddons\flexrioama\1\examples\FlexRIO\NI 5783\NI 5783 - Getting Started



Yes, you can use a value greater than 65535 by making the following modifications:

  1. Change the Requested Depth in the FPGA-to-Host.Configure function. The Requested Depth refers to the memory on the Host PC. Be cautious with very large sizes, as they can consume a significant amount of PC memory.
  2. You need to create a new numeric control for "Record Size" as shown in the "Record Size mod".



Additional Information

Regarding the requested depth, it is recommended to use a value that maintains PC RAM as well as the frequency of data read. For example, for a sampling rate of 100 MS/s, you can set the Requested Depth to 10 M and the Record Size to 2 M. This configuration will read 8 MS (since the NI 5783 reads data for 4 channels simultaneously) every 20 ms.

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