GPIB-USB-HS+ Cannot Recognize on macOS 12

Updated Dec 20, 2024

Reported In


  • GPIB Cable
  • GPIB Connector


  • NI-488.2

Operating System

  • Mac OS X

Issue Details

I have installed the NI-488.2 and NI-VISA drivers, but the NI-VISA Configuration cannot recognize the GPIB-USB-HS. It displays as USB0::xxxxxx::xxxxxx::xxxxxxxx::x::RAW. When I manually add static resources, there is no GPIB Device option available.

The NI-488.2 Software is not correctly installed on your system. Please follow these steps:
1. Restart your system.
2. Reinstall the NI-488.2 Software
3. Run the Troubleshooting Wizard again.

The error message displayed is as follows:

Error Message

No "GPIB Device" option in "Add Static Resource":

No "GPIB Device" option


  • The latest version of NI-488.2 is 21.5, which is only compatible with NI-VISA 21.0. Although NI-488.2 supports macOS 12, NI-VISA 21.0 only supports macOS 11.x. Therefore, using NI-488.2 and NI-VISA together is not supported on macOS 12.x.
  • It is recommended to use NI-488.2 version 21.5 and NI-VISA version 21.0 on macOS 11 with an Intel-based processor. Note that these versions are not supported on Apple Silicon processors, such as the M1.

Additional Information

Starting from the NI-VISA 2022 Q4 version, macOS 12.3 is supported. However, this version no longer supports GPIB and PCI/PXI passports.