What Is The Difference Between Part Number 187885B-01 And 187885B-03?

Updated Aug 21, 2024

Reported In


  • PXIe-6356
  • RTI-12307
  • SHC68-68

Issue Details

I have a PXIe-6356 and want to use it with the RTI12307 / SET-2010 SLSC routing board. When I compare cables SHC68M-68F-RMIO and SHC68-68-EPM, I see that both cables share one connector (Part Number: 190201C-02A), but the other connector changes. Part Numbers 187885B-03 and 187885B-01 respectively.

Will the SHC68-68-EPM work for my application needs?


The SHC68M-68F-RMIO is designed to be used with R Series FPGA cards (specifically, the Multifunction IO port on those cards). Its pinout is not compatible with X Series DAQ cards, like the PXIe-6356.

The SHC68-68-EPM is a cable designed to connect Multifunction DAQ cards (like the 6356) to a terminal block (like the SCB-68A).

That being said, neither of these cables would be suitable to connect to an RTI-12307. The 12307 has 2 MDR connectors. There are several cables available to connect to MDR connectors on that RTI:
enter image description here

In your case, you could use either the SHC68-4MDR26-AI32 cable (which is only capable of routing AI channels) or the SHC68-2MDR26-EPM cable (which is capable of routing AI and DIO signals).

That being said, a better option would be to not use the RTI-12307 at all. Instead, you use the RTI-12309 and an IX cable. The configuration would look like:

  • PXIe-6356 DAQ

  • SET-2010

  • RTI-12309 (P/N 787766-01)

  • SH68M-5IXBF MIO cable (P/N 135140-01)

You'll want to verify the pinouts of the cable to see if it gives you access to all the signals you need