Using NI Measurement Studio WPF Controls

Updated Jun 28, 2024



  • Measurement Studio

This document explains the method to use Measurement Studio Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) controls to create test and measurement applications that use Microsoft .NET WPF technologies and features. 
Note: Knowledge and familiarity with Visual Basic (VB) or C# programming are required.

After installing Microsoft Visual Studio and the compatible Measurement Studio, you can open and run the WPF shipping example directly from the below directory.

C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\Measurement Studio\Examples\DotNET\v4.5\UI.WPF.Controls

Alternatively you can access the shipping example directory from Visual Studio, Extensions >> Measurement Studio >> Measurement Studio Examples as shown below.
MS Shipping Examples.png

Open the suitable shipping example for your application according to your programming languages. You can refer the code in the shipping examples and integrate it to your main application.

For example, by opening C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\Measurement Studio\Examples\DotNET\v4.5\UI.WPF.Controls\Standard\DefaultPlotRenderers\cs\DefaultPlotRenderers.sln in Visual Studio, you can see how the WPF control is coded in the .xaml file.

arxml page VS.jpg

Next Steps

You can refer to help file located in  C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Measurement Studio\Help\MStudioWPF.chm for the details documentation about each WPF Controls and programming model.