This can be caused by a known issue and affects FlexLogger versions 2024 Q2, 2024 Q1, 2023 Q4 and 2023 Q3, on systems where the LabVIEW Runtime (64-bit) 2023 Q3 Patch 3 is installed.
To fix this problem you can
update to LabVIEW Runtime (64-bit) 2023 Q3 Patch 4 using NI Package Manager. You can also download this patch from the
LabVIEW Runtime download page.
Alternatively, if the update is not possible you can follow these steps as a workaround:
1. Browse to C:\Program Files\National Instruments\FlexLogger\
2. Open the NationalInstruments.IoDataPef.Engine.ini file with administrator privileges.
3. Add the following entry to the [NationalInstruments.IoDataPef.Engine] section of the INI file:
4. Save the file and relaunch FlexLogger.