Error -1074098159 When Setting LO Export Enabled to True on the PXIe-5842 VST

Updated Apr 18, 2024

Reported In


  • PXIe-5842


  • RFmx



Issue Details

When attempting to export the LO from the PXIe-5842 VST, I receive the following error codes from RFmx or the NI-RFSA driver, respectively:
5842 LO Export Error.PNG
5842 LO Export Error RFSA.PNG


The PXIe-5842 cannot export the LO when the center frequency is set below 1.75 GHz. This is due to the PXIe-5842 using a direct sampling system when the center frequency is in the range of 30 MHz - 1.75 GHz. Since no LO is present in this frequency range, there is no LO that can be exported. 

You may enable the LO Export property when the center frequency is >= 1.75 GHz.