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Simulate DAQ Device in Linux

Updated Mar 29, 2024



  • NI-DAQmx
  • PXI Platform Services

Operating System

  • Linux

Simulation of the NI DAQ hardware is important, especially when we want to verify our LabVIEW program, but the physical hardware is not available for testing purposes. This article will introduce how to simulate NI DAQ hardware in the Linux operating system, specifically Ubuntu, one of the famous Linux distributions based on Debian. Ubuntu 22.04 is used for the following demonstration purpose.

  1. Verify that the hardware you wish to simulate is supported at NI Hardware and Software Operating System Compatibility . You may continue if it is supported. Unsupported hardware cannot be simulated.
  2. Install Hardware Configuration Utility
  3. Install PXI Platform Services
  4. Install NI-DAQmx
  5. Launch NI Hardware Configuration Utility 
    NI Hardware Configuration Utility
  6. Select Edit>>Add hardware 
  7. Select Simulated
  8. (Required to simulate PXI module) Select a chassis model (such as PXIe-1095) and click Add to simulate.
  9. Repeat Step 6 and Step 7, then select an NI DAQ model (such as PXIe-6363) and click Add to simulate. (If you are simulating a PXIe module, kindly ensure the Connected to section is selected with chassis simulated at Step 8)
  10. (Optional) Click on the connector if there is any to add accessory to the NI DAQ model you have simulated. 

Below is how the simulated system looks like: