Create Technical Support Report on Linux

Updated Mar 29, 2024


Operating System

  • Linux

While reaching out to NI for technical support, it is common for the Technical Support Engineer to request a technical support report for the current computer system. This article will focus on how to create technical support reports in the Linux operating system. Ubuntu 22.04, one of the Linux distributions based on Debian, will be used in this article for illustration purposes.

  1. Ensure Hardware Configuration Utility package has been installed.
  2. Launch NI Hardware Configuration Utility
  3. Select File>>Create technical support report.
  4. In the prompt, select the system you wish to generate the technical support report accordingly.
  5. Determine the location to save the report and its name.
  6. Click Create
  7. The technical support report could be found at the location determine at Step 5.

Below is the result of the generated technical support report if it is saved at default location with default name.