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Can My NI PXIe-6570 Communicate With LVDS?

Updated Mar 26, 2024

Reported In


  • PXIe-6570

Issue Details

I am using the NI PXIe-6570 with the LVDS application and I have found an article that mentions that the PXIe-6570 is one of our current modules that may be capable of communicating with LVDS: Communicating with an LVDS Device Using NI Hardware.

I also found another one that talks about the LVDS protocol with the 655X devices: Interfacing to LVDS with the NI 655X Digital Waveform Generator/Analyzer. What I wanted to know is if there is any documentation that talks about doing the same but with a PXIe-6570?

I would like to know if there is an application diagram on configuring it.


The PXIe-6570 can work with LVDS protocol since the VIH, VIL, VTERM, VOH, and VOL voltage levels are programmable. The only thing you should consider is the PXIe-6570's channel architecture. All pins there are single-ended and share the same ground. If this specific point is not an issue for the customer application then you can go with it, otherwise, the NI FlexRIO platform has better options.

There are multiple consideration before doing that:

  • The 6570 cannot read specific voltages when bursting a pattern and return the measurement, what it does is that uses the level sheet specification to compare the pin and the return the logic level.

  • The measurement on the 6570 are single ended, not differential. The customer would need to handle each line separately and then manually create the code to compare the signals and assign the specific level.

  • The 6570 does not have the termination resistor needed in the LVDS protocol: 


  • You'll need to configure the PPMU with corresponding current and Vcm according to the transmitter. Usually is around 3.5 mA and 1.2V but this may vary.