Error -61201 Deploying VeriStand Project With Use Current Configuration

Updated Mar 26, 2024

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Chassis


  • VeriStand
  • VeriStand Custom Devices

Issue Details

I am using the cRIO controller in Hybrid Mode with the Scan Engine and EtherCAT Custom Device in VeriStand. The deployment results in an error every time the controller is rebooted:

The chassis is in Scan Interface programming mode. In order to run FPGA VIs, you must go to the chassis properties page, select FPGA programming mode, and deploy the settings.

Error VS.png
How do I fix this?


This is a known bug within the Custom Device. After a system reboot, the Use Current setting fails during deployment attempts. The controller reverts its RIO Programming Mode to Scan Interface, which prevents successful bitfile deployment.
The issue has been resolved in the 2022 version. To address this problem, make sure to update the Custom Device to the latest version that is compatible with the VeriStand version you use.

Additional Information

When deploying the Scan Engine and EtherCAT Custom Device on a chassis with slot-specific programming, it attempts to set all modules to that mode. This causes complications when operating in Hybrid Mode. So, the recommendation is to use the Use Current option instead.