Using ECUMC with CompactRIO and NI-985x

Updated Feb 22, 2024



  • NI-9852
  • NI-9853


  • ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit

The ECU Measurement and Calibration (ECUMC) Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW. It enables measurement and calibration applications for ECU design and validation. As the NI-985x is only supported on FPGA, you can't use it directly with the ECUMC toolkit like PXI, PCI, or USB CAN. This article explains how you can use NI-985x modules with the ECUMC toolkit.

Software Requirement

  • LabVIEW Development Environment with LabVIEW Real-Time and FPGA Module
  • ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit ( Especially ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit Support for NI-985x)
  • NI-RIO
  • CompactRIO

  1. Open the CAN bridge LabVIEW project in <Program Files (x86)>\National Instruments\LabVIEW (version)\examples\ECUMC\crio\CAN Bridge (FPGA).
  2. Refer to "Instructions" in the front panel of CAN Bridge(FPGA).vi to configure your project and generate the bit file.
  1. Refer to Tools Available for File Transfer/Access on NI Linux Real-Time Targets to transfer the bit file to the c folder of CompactRIO target.
  1. Open the Multiple Measurements(cRIO) LabVIEW project in <Program Files (x86)>\National Instruments\LabVIEW (version)\examples\ECUMC\crio\Multiple Measurements (cRIO), then modify this example to work with your ECU. You need to transfer your own A2L file to your Linux RT target located at /usr/share/ni-ecumc/a2l. Normally if we use PXI, PCI, or USB CAN cards, the input Interface is CCP:CAN1@nixnet (if the CAN1 is used), but for CompactRIO with NI-985x application, the input protocol and interface should be CCP:CAN0@/c/canbridge_FPGATarget_ECUMC.lvbitx (Port name is CAN0 as the CAN Bridge(FPGA).vi communicates through Mod1/CAN0).
Note: The Max baud rate of NI-9852 is 125 Kbps and the Max baud rate of NI-9853 is 1 Mbps.