Drop-Down Menus Shifted From Menu Options in LabWindows/CVI

Updated Aug 13, 2021

Reported In


  • LabWindows/CVI

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

I'm using LabWindows/CVI or running a LabWindows/CVI program on a computer with multiple or high-resolution monitors. When I try to open a drop-down menu from the LabWindows/CVI toolbar, or a menu button/ring control on the program I am writing, the drop-down menu appears offset from the menu button, as shown below. How can I resolve this behavior?

Image showing offset drop-down menu behavior in LabWindows/CVI.


This behavior is usually caused by fullscreen optimizations utilized by Windows on multi-monitor or high-resolution setups to improve program appearance and boost performance. On certain programs, such as LabWindows/CVI, it can cause menu disjointing and other graphical issues. These optimizations can be disabled for LabWindows/CVI through the following steps:
  • Navigate to the location where the CVI executable is installed on your computer. By default, this executable is installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\<Your CVI Version>\cvi.exe.
  • Right-click on cvi.exe and select Properties.
  • In the Properties dialog box, navigate to the Compatibility tab and select Disable Fullscreen Optimizations. Apply your changes. 
Location of the Disable Fullscreen Optimizations setting in the cvi.exe Properties dialog box.

After disabling fullscreen optimizations for LabWindows/CVI, you should no longer see the drop-down menu disjoint issue.