FlexLogger Installation Fails on ni-systemlink-python-3.8 Package

Updated May 1, 2023

Reported In


  • FlexLogger

Issue Details

I am trying to install FlexLogger, but my installation fails when trying to install the package ni-systemlink-python-3.8 on both online or offline methods with the following error:
FlexLogger Error.png
An error occurred while installing a package: ni-systemlink-python-3.8 (
Additional error information: |The executable returned error '1' after running the custom execute command 'path='"\\?\C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\Python\3.8\python.exe"', options='-E -s -m pip install --no-cache-dir --no-index --no-warn-script-location -f "%ni-paths-NIPUBAPPDATADIR%\Skyline\Python\3.8\Packages\ni-systemlink-python-3.8" --upgrade --force-reinstall -r "%ni-paths-NIPUBAPPDATADIR%\Skyline\Python\3.8\Requirements\ni-systemlink-python-3.8.txt"".


FlexLogger relies on SystemLink for the datalogging engine and alarm components, so the SystemLink components must install to complete the installation. Some SystemLink components call custom Python commands while installing. 

This issue comes from previous Python installations and invalid environmental path variables changing the behaviour of the Python post-install actions on the package, such as custom variables or a non-default Python path. 
To solve this, remove any custom Python or environmental variables to the default settings.