Failed to Connect to the Target sbRIO-9637 During Deployment

Updated Apr 28, 2023

Reported In


  • sbRIO-9637


  • LabVIEW 2020

Issue Details

If I deploy a Real-Time application with FPGA access, LabVIEW 2020 will give a Conflict Message:
Failed to connect to the target


After a second or third Try LabVIEW 2020 can deploy the application and there is no error on the execution.

If I use an example without FPGA access, the deployment works correctly from the first try.


The disconnection while deploying an FPGA related application is due to the configuration of the Network Interface Controller through the FPGA.


You can see this on the sbRIO-9637 Manual.

Every time you deploy a project, the personality of the FPGA will be updated causing a disconnection between Host and Target. It is an expected behavior. If you deploy the project again, the program will be deployed and the Board will work without errors.

Additional Information

This behavior will only affect on the deployment of the application in the development environment. This will not affect the performance of the system on a deployed application.