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Using DAQmx I/O of sbRIO-9628 in VeriStand

Updated Oct 12, 2023



  • sbRIO-9628
  • sbRIO-9629
  • sbRIO-9638


  • VeriStand


  • NI-DAQmx

There are many DAQmx I/O channels in sbRIO-9628. From the sbRIO specification, DAQmx is supported in sbRIO-9628 and it is quite easy to use it with LabVIEW. Sometimes, the users want to use DAQmx I/O of sbRIO-9628 in VeriStand,  This article will introduce how to use DAQmx I/O of sbRIO-9628 in VeriStand.

To configure a sbRIO device in VeriStand, you must add the DAQ device without choosing a specific product. You must name the device the same way it shows up in MAX, To get AI, you must create the Conn0_AI device as follows.
As Hardware-timed single point on sbRIOs is not supported in VeriStand. You must make sure Automatic Timing is selected for the Primary Control Loop timing source.
You must also set your Chassis master synchronization device to None on the Chassis page.
Finally, make sure to check Disable AI support in the Hardware-Timed Single Point Sample Mode of the Conn0_AI device.
For AO and DIO, you won't have these problems. You just need to configure a new DAQ device as follows.