What is "Electronic Range" in Instrument Studio?

Updated Sep 26, 2023

Reported In


  • PXIe-4139


  • InstrumentStudio


What is Electronic Range in Instrument Studio?
What is it for and how is it different to Current Limit Range?


Issue Details

I saw the column named Electronic Range, but I can't find it in spec file.



Electronic range is the selected hardware range in which the measurement is taken.
For the voltage measurement, it's the voltage range.
For the current measurement, it's the current range. 
It is same as  "measurement range" in spec file.

However, current limit range is the range of the current limit of the SMU when in constant voltage mode, which can be different from the measurement range if autorange is turned on (which it is by default for instrument studio).
During autorange the device will automatically change the range as it measures to pick the most optimal range for the DUT attached to the SMU.
This column(Electronic range) in the table lets you see the selected range and confirm that it's as intended, since each range has different noise characteristics and potentially different accuracy ratings.