FPGA Bitfile Not Found When Deploying a PXIe-5840 Streaming Application

Updated Sep 27, 2024

Reported In


  • PXIe-5840

Issue Details

I built an installer for my application based on the NI Streaming 5840 Host by NI - Toolkit for LabVIEW package from VIPM. The installer works fine on my development environment. However when I run the installer on my deployment environment I receive either: 
Error -373165: FPGA bitfile not found. If you are using a custom bitfile, make sure the bitfile exists in the designated folder for this device.
Error -373661 FPGA bitfile not found. If you are using a custom bitfile, make sure the bitfile exists in the designated folder for this device.


It is possible that the built installer does not add the needed bitfile to correctly run the application. 

Copy the bitfile NI Streaming.lvbitx from your development computer to the deployment computer folder:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\FPGA Extensions Bitfiles\NI PXIe-5840

That should solve the bitfile not found error. 

Additional Information

The bitfile should have the same location on the development computer and the deployment computer.