Getting Started With Scan Engine and EtherCAT Custom Device in NI VeriStand

Updated Oct 11, 2023



  • VeriStand Custom Devices


  • NI-Industrial Communications for EtherCAT



The Scan Engine and EtherCAT Custom Device allows users to integrate I/O from several hardware platforms that are not natively supported by VeriStand: This article will take VeriStand 2021 and EtherCAT 21.5 as examples to explain what software and driver should be installed in the host PC and RT target.

Software Requirements on Host PC Software Requirements on RT Target
  • NI Linux RT System Image 21.5 + LabVIEW 2021 selected
  • I/O Variable Remote Configuration Web Service
  • NI CompactRIO
  • NI-Industrial Communications for EtherCAT
Using the Custom Device
If you didn't select the VeriStand Custom Devices on VeriStand installation, please download the VeriStand Custom Devices on or manually from the GitHub Releases page according to your VeriStand version.

If you want to use a different VeriStand version or a different EtherCAT version, please refer to the ni-linux-rt.
  1. Select the Linux System Image version which will decide the EtherCAT version.
  2. Select the LabVIEW version which will decide the VeriStand version.
Note: The driver version in the Linux RT should be the same as the driver version installed on the PC. If not, you may encounter unexpected behavior.