Does a Disconnected DAQ Channel Affect the Maximum Sample Rate?

Updated Aug 30, 2023

Reported In


  • Multifunction I/O Device

Issue Details

  • I am using a DAQ device with a single ADC and want to know whether my floating channels will impact the maximum achievable sample rate?
  • If I have open or disconnected channels on my DAQ device, will this impact the aggregate sample rate?
  • If a DAQ channel is disconnected, but I still configure it in NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) or LabVIEW, what will the aggregate sample rate be?


On DAQ devices with a single ADC, a disconnected or open channel will impact the maximum achievable sample rate as long as it has been configured.

The DAQ device does not care whether a channel is reading correct values. As long as the channel has been configured (either in NI MAX or programmatically), it is considered an active channel. The maximum achievable sample rate is the aggregate sample rate divided by the total number of active channels. See What Do "Maximum AI Sample Rate Single Channel and Aggregate" Values Mean? for further explanation.