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Client Can Reach SystemLink Server but It Fails to Connect

Updated Oct 26, 2023

Reported In


  • SystemLink Server
  • SystemLink Client

Issue Details

  •    I added my SystemLink client to the SystemLink server, but its systems table shows the client as “Not Activated”  .
  • The SystemLink Server systems table “Status” column in the web UI  shows the SystemLink client as “Refreshing…”  


This can happen when the client can reach the server fine, but the salt refresh job is timing out or failing or if there are licensing issues in the server.

Licensing Issues

In the case for the "Not Activated" status, make sure you have enough Node licenses in NI License Manager.
  • You can manually Activate a managed client using the More>>Activate toolbar menu.

Refresh Job Issues

If the client is shown to be "Refreshing" in the SystemLink Server systems table “Status” column in the web UI, it means that the salt connectivity worked fine but the refresh job that is sent after the connection is established is either failing or timing out. Try the following steps in this case:
  • We can click on the Refresh job that is running so its details and wait until it gets completed to confirm that is either failing or timing out.
    • The status “Failed (-2147220448)” indicates that the job timed out and there are no detailed results. This could happen when the server is under heavy load or the network is very slow. Check the CPU / Network usages and make sure the SystemLink Server machine has enough resources.
  • Check the salt connectivity from the server to that client by runing this command in DOS, which should return with “True” in about 10 seconds:
    • “C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\salt-master\salt” <minion_id>
  • Check the SystemLink Client salt logs located at C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\salt\var\log\salt, for issues with the Refresh job.
  • Check the SystemLink Server logs located at C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\Skyline\Logs\, for any Systems Management Service failures.
  • Restart SystemLink Client computer
  • Restart SystemLink Client salt minion:
    • In Windows clients, restart “NI Salt-Minion” service in Windows Services dialog.
    • In Linux Real-Time clients run /etc/init.d/salt-minion restart
  • Restart SystemLink Server services (in the NI SystemLink Server Config dialog)
  • Remove / Re-approve SystemLink client from list of systems in SystemLink Server
    • This loses SystemLink client info in SystemLink Server (alias, jobs, properties)