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Internal Error (68) when Starting DataFinder in SystemLink

Updated Apr 8, 2024

Reported In


  • SystemLink
  • DataFinder Server
  • SystemLink TDM DataFinder Module

Issue Details

I cannot initialize the DataFinder in SystemLink. The following error message is shown:
"The instance cannot start due to an internal error (68): Unexpected exception occurred."

Error 68.png


This issue might occur if the DataFinder database (index) is broken, which can happen if the power supply is suddenly switched off while the DataFinder is saving data.

This can be also a symptom of a very long query to reach the database, causing a closing of the connection.

Follow these steps to troubleshoot this issue:

1. Restart the SystemLink Server.
2. Open the SystemLink Server Configuration

Start >> National Instruments >> NI SystemLink Server Configuration 

and check if there are any issues detected on the Troubleshooting tab.

3. Verify the status and troubleshoot the NI PSP Service Locator.

4. Verify the status of other Windows Services Related to NI SystemLink.
  • NI SystemLink TDM Database Service
  • NI SystemLink Service Manager
  • NI PSP Service Locator
  • NI Salt Minion
5. Reset the DataFinder Index (Empty all indexed tables and reindex all the data files).

If none of the above steps fixed the issue, please reach out to our technical support team with a copy of the SystemLink Technical Support Report  for further analysis of this error.