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NI-Scope Error -1074107489 When Exporting Reference Clock on PXI-5922

Updated Jun 20, 2023

Reported In


  • PXI-5922



Issue Details

When using the niscope API, inserting any documented value for the niscope.Session.output_clock_source property always returns the following error when trying this on the PXI-5922:
niscope.errors.DriverError: -1074107489: Source terminal to be routed could not be found on the device.

Make sure the terminal name is valid for the specified device. Refer to Measurement & Automation Explorer for valid terminal names.

Source Device: PXI1Slot4

Source Terminal: Internal10MHzOsc

Destination Device: PXI1Slot4

Destination Terminal: ReferenceClock


The 5922 can only export an external reference clock. The default reference clock is "none" so it does not have a valid source terminal. 
Ensure you set an input reference clock when exporting the reference clock by using the niscope.Session.input_clock_source property before you commit the niscope session.