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NI MAX Loses 305LMX IP Address Between Reboots

Updated Jun 20, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)


  • Pacific Power 305LMX.

Issue Details

  • I am using an ATE rack that consists of a Pacific Power 305LMX. I can connect to the device and identify it in NI MAX, but whenever I reboot my PC, NI MAX no longer remembers the Power Supply's IP address.
  • I have a 305LMX Power Supply connected to my system that has been configured with a Static IP address. Why does NI MAX lose the IP address after a power cycle?
  • Whenever I power on my 305LMX, it's IP address in NI MAX appears as "unknown", as shown in the below image. I need to validate it before I can control it programmatically. Is there a way to automatically detect the IP address?



Follow the steps below to resolve this issue:
  1. Verify that the device can be pinged.
    • In Windows Command Prompt, type ping [address] where "[address]" is replaced by the 305LMX IP address.
    • If the device does not respond, check that the IP address is valid and that the device is powered on correctly.
  2. Using the commands listed on page 327 in the (external link) LMX Series Operation Manual, verify that:
    • Remote control via LAN is enabled.
    • DHCP is off if a static IP address is required.
    • The reported IP address matches the IP address that has been set.
  3. Determine whether the 305LMX IP address is being used by another device on the network.
    • If multiple network devices are used in the system, minimise the configuration so that the 305LMX is isolated.
    • Set other network devices to use DHCP to ensure that the assigned static IP of the 305LMX is available.

If Using IVI Drivers

The additional troubleshooting steps below only apply if the 305LMX has been configured in NI MAX using IVI drivers:
  1. Verify that the 305LMX IP address is not within the link-local range.
    • IVI drivers expect to see IP addresses that are not within the link-local range.
  2. Ensure that the PC user has administrator privileges so that the IVI configuration in NI MAX is correctly saved.
  3. Check that the Driver Session Resource Descriptor is referring to a TCP/IP resource.
    • In NI MAX, navigate to IVI Drivers >> Driver Sessions in the tree menu.
    • Select the Driver Session that the 305LMX is using.
    • Under the Hardware tab, verify that the Resource Descriptor follows a TCPIP[board]::host address::LAN device name::INSTR format.
    • If the device is configured as a GPIB resource, remove the 305LMX from NI MAX and rediscover it using the instructions in Ethernet Instrument Control Tutorial.

MAX Resource Descriptor.png

Additional Information

This issue can also be mitigated by modifying code to identify the 305LMX by it's IP address instead of using a Logical Name or Driver Session. Alternatively, the 305LMX IP address can be programmatically discovered using the System Configuration APIs/functions. Refer to the following resources:
If the 305LMX is being controlled through LabVIEW, it's driver can be downloaded from the Pacific Power website.

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