Difference Between Open Configuration HTTP and HTTP Auto With SystemLink

Updated Jul 25, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • SystemLink

Issue Details

I want to initialize an HTTP connection to communicate with a SystemLink server, there are two Open Configuration HTTP VIs that can be used to initialize the connection. Which one of these should I use, what is the difference between them?


The main difference between Open Configuration HTTP Auto VI and HTTP VI is that the first one does not need to provide credentials and the second one does. 

The Open Configuration (HTTP Auto) will automatically retrieve credentials when executed on one of the managed systems. The Server establishes a secure HTTPS relationship with nodes through device registration and administrative approval in the SystemLink web application. This means that you do not have to provide the login credentials because the system is already connected and no additional configuration information is needed. This one should be used when run from a managed system.

The Open Configuration (HTTP) can be run from a system that is not necessarily connected to the SystemLink server and we want to initialize this HTTP connection with the server. Since the system is not managed by SystemLink this is the reason why we need to provide the login credentials and server url, to be able to establish the connection. This function should be run when the system is not managed by the SystemLink Server.

Additional Information

You can find the SystemLink Server managed systems when you open the NI SystemLink Web Application >> System Management >> Systems. In the following link, there are some examples of managed systems or targets: Setting Up a SystemLink Client for Windows Targets. These managed systems can be Linux Real-Time or Windows targets such as laptops, PCs, PXI controllers, compactRIOs, etc.