Get List of Installed NI Software using LabWindows™/CVI

Updated Feb 1, 2022



  • LabWindows/CVI

This article provides context about how to get a list of the NI installed software on a system using LabWindows/CVI and get information of this software components such as the name and version. This article assumes that you have general knowledge about ANSI C programming and are familiarized with the System Configuration API for LabWindows/CVI. If you are not familiarized with this API please take a look at the referenced example and help documentation. You need to install the System Configuration API to be able to use these methods, you can download it from this link.

The System Configuration API gathers information about a local or remote system such as connected hardware and installed software. Please follow these general steps in order to get a list and specific information about the NI software:
  1. Once a session has been initialized to create a handle to a particular system so that it can call the different System Configuration API methods, you can call the NISysCfgGetInstalledSoftwareComponents() function which will retrieve a list of software components installed on a system.
  2. The NISysCfgGetInstalledSoftwareComponents() function will return a handle that can be enumerated to return a list of software components on the system.
  3. If you want to get additional information about the system components such as the name and version of each of the components you need to call the NISysCfgNextComponentInfo() to obtain the list.
  4. Once the handle is no longer needed it must be discarded using NISysCfgCloseHandle().

Note: If you are not familiarized with the System Configuration API please take a look at the following example which has a GUI developed with LabWindows/CVI which shows a list of the NI installed software in the right column of the front panel of the program: C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\CVI\Samples\nisyscfg\InstallUninstallSoftwareComponents/InstallUninstallSoftwareComponents.cws