Slow Startup When Booting CompactRIO

Updated Dec 15, 2022

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Controller
  • cRIO-9049


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Issue Details

I have multiple same model cRIO-9049 which have the same software and application running. One of the cRIO-9049 booting time is considerably longer compare with other cRIOs.

In below picture, it took 70 seconds from start booting to displaying Startup Application: home/lvuser/natinst/bin/SerialLogger_RT_V2.2.1.rtexe ,where other cRIOs which running the same RTEXE application only took around 30 seconds.
cRIO Booting.JPG



This issue can be solved by setting Gateway and DNS server to on the cRIO-9049 Network Setting page in NI MAX. Setting Gateway and DNS server to arbitrary number will significantly took longer time from booting to running real time application.

This only applicable when the CompactRIO is connected to network. Does not applicable when connecting to host PC directly using USB.