Dynamically Sourcing a Waveform With Digital Pattern Editor APIs

Updated Aug 30, 2023



  • PXI Digital Pattern Instrument

This article will discuss the methods that can be used to dynamically source waveforms using the Digital Pattern Editor APIs in LabVIEW™.

When using a Source Waveform, the number of samples in the Source Data must match the number of Vectors that source pins in the Pattern (.digitpat) file. This article demonstrates how multiple Source Waveforms can be loaded without having to manually modify the Pattern in Digital Pattern Editor.


This article requires the following hardware and software:

For simplicity, the solutions described use the set_loop Opcode in the Pattern file. This mitigates having to define multiple Vectors for each Waveform sample. Instead, the set_loop Opcode will repeat the defined Vector for the specified amount of loop iterations. For a further explanation of this Opcode, refer to Flow Control Opcodes.

There are two approaches that can be used to automatically ensure that the number of sourcing Vectors in a Pattern match the number of samples in a Source Waveform:
  • Method 1: Use LabVIEW to write a value to a Digital Pattern Register, which will define the number of loop iterations to execute in the Pattern.
  • Method 2: Use LabVIEW to programmatically modify a Pattern file to contain the correct number of Vectors/loops before recompiling it.
Method 1 is the recommended approach because it avoids decompiling and recompiling Pattern files. However, method 2 may be more suitable if large modifications to the Pattern file are necessary.

For demonstration purposes, this article references a Pattern file that contains the following Vectors:

Example Pattern.png

Method 1: Writing to a Digital Pattern Register

Note: The full code and Digital Pattern Editor files used in this example can be found in the attached Source Waveform- Write Register.zip file

1. In Digital Pattern Editor, open the Pattern file.
2. Modify the Vector containing the set_loop Opcode to reference a Register.
  • Set the Opcode to set_loop(regX) where X represents a number between 0-15.
  • An example of this is shown below:

setloop register.png

3. Initialize and load the NI-DIGITAL instrument and files.

  • Refer to the example code located in C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20xx\examples\instr\niDigital\Source Waveform for further guidance.
4. After loading the Pattern file with niDigital Load Pattern VI, place a niDigital Write Senquencer Register VI.
  • Set the sequencer register input to the register specified in the set_loop Opcode of the Pattern file.
  • Set the value input to the desired number of loop iterations.
5. Create and write the Source Waveform before bursting the Pattern.

Method 2: Modifying the Digital Pattern File

Note: The full code and Digital Pattern Editor files used in this example can be found in the attached Source Waveform- Recompile Pattern.zip file.

1. In Digital Pattern Editor, export a .digipatsrc file. This is the raw ASCII version of the .digipat file.
  • Navigate to File >> Export Pattern.
  • Note the name of the file and where it's saved.
2. In LabVIEW, create a  .digitpatsrc file.
  • Place a Open/Create/Replace File function onto the Block Diagram.
  • Set the file path (use dialog) input to the location where the .digipatsrc file will be saved.
    • This should be the same location that the exported Pattern file was saved to.
  • Then set the operation (0:open) input to replace or create.
3. Write the raw ASCII Pattern file data to the newly created file.
  • Connect a Write to Text File function to the Open/Create/Replace File function.
  • Place a Concatenate Strings function on the Block Diagram and connect it's output to the text input of the Write to Text File function.
  • Expand the Concatenate Strings function to display three inputs.
  • On the first input of Concatenate Strings, connect a String Constant containing the text from the exported .digipatsrc file. 
    • Copy the text from the .digitpatsrc file and paste it into the String Constant.
    • Delete all text after the "set_loop(" string.
    • Below is an example of what the String Constant should contain:

file_format_version 1.1;
timeset Busy, SourceStartSetup;

pattern TestPattern (SCL, SDA)
                                    Busy                0        0;
source_start(TestWaveform)            Busy                0        0;
                                    SourceStartSetup    0        0;

  • On the second input of Concatenate Strings, connect a String Control that contains the number of loop iterations to execute.
    • For example, if the Source Waveform contains 12 samples, set the String Control to contain the value "12".
  • On the third input of Concatenate Strings, connect a String Constant that contains the remaining text from the .digipatsrc file.
    • Below is an example of how this should appear:
)                            Busy                X        X;
source                                Busy                1        D;
end_loop(Source)                    Busy                X        X;
halt                                Busy                0        0;

4. Close the newly created file.
  • Connect a Close File function to the Write to Text File function.
  • The code should now resemble the following image:
Create digipatsrc file.png
Note: This image is a LabVIEW snippet, which includes LabVIEW code that you can reuse in your project. To use a snippet, right-click the image, save it to your computer, and drag the file onto your LabVIEW diagram.

5. Compile the .digipatsrc file into a standard .digipat file.
  • Place a System Exec VI on the Block Diagram.
  • On the expected output size (4096) input, right-click and select Create Constant. Set the value to 9096.
  • Using the same method, create a constant for the remaining inputs and ensure their values are as follows:
    • wait until completion? (T) is True.
    • standard input is an empty String Constant.
    • working directory is C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Digital Pattern Compiler.
    • run minimized? (F) is False.
  • For the command line input, use a Concatenate Strings function to build the command.
    • The first String must be set to cmd /c .\DigitalPatternCompiler.exe -pinmap "
    • Follow this with the File Path to the Pin Map (.pinmap) file used in Digital Pattern Editor.
    • Then, place a String Constant containing " " (quotation marks separated by a space).
    • The next input should be the File Path to the .digipatsrc file that was created in steps 1-4.
    • End the Concatenate Strings by connecting a final " character (closing quotation mark).
  • Below is an example of how the completed VI should appear:
Create and Compile digipatsrc.pngNote: This image is a LabVIEW snippet, which includes LabVIEW code that you can reuse in your project. To use a snippet, right-click the image, save it to your computer, and drag the file onto your LabVIEW diagram.

6. Obtain the number of samples in the Source Waveform. 
  • This depends on the method used to create the Source Waveform. If the Source Waveform is created from:
    • A TDMS file - the number of samples can be obtained by reading the TDMS file.
    • The niDigital Create Source Waveform VI - the number of samples can be obtained from the length of the Broadcast array input.