Software Installation Options for NI Linux Real-Time Controllers

Updated Sep 11, 2024

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Controller
  • PXI Controller
  • CompactRIO Single-Board Controller


  • LabVIEW Real-Time Module

Operating System

  • LabVIEW Real-Time (NI Linux Real-Time)

Issue Details

When installing software to my NI Linux Real-Time controller (i.e. CompactRIO, sbRIO, PXI/PXIe) from NI-MAX a couple of options (Base System Images and Legacy Installation) are listed, what option should I select?


Starting in 2019/2020 NI created a new and easier method to install software on Linux Real-Time (RT) controllers. In the legacy version, you should have all the desired software in the host PC first, and then install it on the RT. Now, with the new method, you must install only the Linux RT System Image on the host PC. 

Base System Images

This option installs a full NI Linux Real-Time System Image from NI repositories, it is also known as OPKG installation. Depending on whether internet access is available or not the feeds can be fetched from the following places:

  • Online feed: With this option, you can connect the RT directly to the network (the RT accesses directly the online feeds) or to the host PC (the RT accesses the online feeds through the host PC).
  • Offline feed: NI Linux Real-Time Offline Installation Support in C:\Program Files\National Instruments\RT Feeds. With this option, the RT controller accesses the feeds installed in the host PC. Refer to Installing Software to Offline NI Linux Real-Time Targets for the procedure for offline installation.

Legacy Installation

This option allows the installation of legacy software from the local host directories that are installed with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module and CompactRIO drivers. 
  • Software is fetch from the local host path C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\RT Images
  • Any software you want to install on the RT controller must be installed first on the host PC. For instance, if you want to install NI-DAQmx in the RT controller, then you should install it first on the host PC.
  • The recommended workflow for this method is the following:
    1. Set up the host PC with all the required software (LabVIEW, modules, and drivers). The installation order is very important with this method. 
    2. Install the software on the RT controller using NI MAX. 

Key Differences

  • SFTP over SSH is the primary secure method for communication with Real-Time targets, because of this SSH is always enabled by default in Base System Images.
  • The Web Based Configuration and Monitoring Utility based on Silverlight has been deprecated, as of version 21.0 Linux Images incorporate the new utility compatible with newer browsers.
  • OPKG (OpenWrt) allows you to install any third party feed. You can either download and transfer the IPK file to the Linux target, then call OPKG INSTALL command to install it or register the feed via MAX >> Remote Systems >> [target] >> Software >> right-click >> Advanced >> Manage Feeds >> Add Feeds...