Garbled Title Bar Characters in the File Selection Dialog of LabVIEW Built Application

Updated Aug 30, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

I have installed an application(exe) created with Japanese LabVIEW on a PC with an English OS.
It works fine, but the title bar of the file selection dialog is garbled when I use the Write Delimited Spreadsheet VI (or Read Delimited Spreadsheet VI) to display the file selection dialog.

Garbled Title Bar String

How to eliminate the garbled characters from LabVIEW? 


The title bar of the file is garbled because the file dialog is set to Japanese language as it is created with Japanese LabVIEW.
By using the File Dialog Express VI for the file selection dialog, you can change the window title by entering "Prompt" with English language text.

As an example, if you enter "Please Select File" like the screenshot below, the English string will be shown in the window title.
Hence, the garbled characters could be avoided.

Specify Title String


Additional Information

You can try to install Japanese fonts on the OS and set the format and settings of non-Unicode applications to "Japan", "Japanese", etc.,
so that Japanese character strings can be displayed without being garbled.