Is It Possible to Use a NI-SWITCH Resource With Several Applications at the Same Time?

Updated Jun 20, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW



Issue Details

I would like to use the Same NI-SWITCH Resource, for example a PXI-2522, in two different LabVIEW applications at the same time to switch individual channels independently. Is it possible to do so?


No, NI-SWITCH Resources cannot be accessed by multiple applications at the same time.

Additional Information

Since you must reserve the resource in order to use the card, this resource can only be reserved by one application at a time.
This means that only one application can make changes to the channel configuration at a time. You have to close the resource session before you can open a new session for the same resource in other application.

If you try to access an already reserved NI-SWITCH resource with a second application you will get the following error message:
Error -1074118655 occurred at niSwitch Initialize With
Possible reason(s):
Another process has already opened a session to this switch module.

This error is shown in the following dialog box: