Set Up Massive MIMO System and Send Video Through UDP Ports

Updated Apr 28, 2023



  • USRP-2974
  • USRP-2943


  • LabVIEW Communications MIMO Application Framework 19.5
  • LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite



Operating System

  • Windows


  • MIMO Prototyping System

LabVIEW Communications MIMO Application Framework software enables researchers to prototype Massive MIMO testbeds rapidly using LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite and state-of-the-art USRP Software Defined Radio Reconfigurable Devices and USRP Software Defined Radio Stand-Alone Devices (USRP devices). NI MIMO application framework is fully open, modular, and modifiable. It allows researchers to set up their Massive MIMO testbed quickly and focus on modifying selected aspects of the system. This article discuss the procedures to set up NI Massive MIMO system and send videos between base station and mobile station through the UDP ports, bi-directional, at the same time. 

The intend audiences are NI Massive MIMO users who have basic knowledge of RF signal propagation, RF Channels, MIMO, Massive-MIMO, beamforming, have read MIMO_Application_Framework_Manual_ver_19.5 and familiar with NI-MAX.

Set Up Base Station

  1. Name the device in NI-MAX correctly, refer to MIMO_Application_Framework_Manual_ver_19.5 for details
          Make sure USRP01 is named to the right device which is located at left bottom. Shown in below:
USRP locations.jpg
  1. Launch LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite 2.0 by selecting LabVIEW Communications 2.0 from the Start menu (depends on which version installed), then click on Application Frameworks
  2. Select MIMO Design v2.0 (depends on which version installed) and name in Project name and Create the project
  3. Within that project created in step 3, open Base Station Host.gvi
  4. Configure the base station for USRP Naming Scheme, USRP Bandwidth which is the device supported bandwidth such as 40 MHz or 120 MHz, Antenna Configuration. Leave other fields as defaultName BS Project.JPG
  1. Click run (Ctrl + R) and wait for base station to be active

Set Up Mobile Station

  1. Consider USRP 2974 for 2 sets of single antenna mobile station, name the device in NI-MAX as USRPUE
  2. Similar to create base station project, Launch LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite 2.0 by selecting LabVIEW Communications 2.0 from the Start menu (depends on which version installed), then click on Application Frameworks
  3. Select MIMO Design v2.0 (depends on which version installed) and name in Project name and Create the project
  4. Within that project created in step 3, open Single Antenna Mobile Station Host.gvi
  5. Configure the mobile station for RIO Device to USRPUE which is named in NI-MAX, USRP Bandwidth which is the device supported bandwidth such as 40 MHz,120 MHz or 160 MHz, Sync mode to Over the air. Leave other fields as default
  6. Click run (Ctrl + R) and wait for mobile stations to be ready

Set UP UDP Ports

  1. Set base station Initial DL data UDP Port 10000 higher than mobile station Initial UL data UDP Port, and base station Initial UL data UDP Port 10000 higher than mobile station Initial DL data UDP Port
  2. Check and edit the configure-mimo-ue# (ue# from ue0 to ue11) scripts to match the UDP ports, summarized in below table:UDP Ports.JPG

Send Videos Between Base Station and Mobile Station

  1. Follow below steps for sending video from base station and play video at mobile station:
  • In base station, open the folder contains the video files includes the video scripts, for-instance: C:\Application Framework\Video Files for Demo\Video Demo MIMO\Base Station 
  • Double click on Stream Video MIMO UE 0 and Stream Video MIMO UE 1 for sending video to UE 0 and UE 1
  • In mobile station, open the folder contains the video files includes the video scripts, for-instance: C:\Application Framework\Video Files for Demo\Video Demo MIMO\Mobile Station 
  • Double click on Play Video MIMO UE 0 and Play Video MIMO UE 1 for playing videos from base station sent to UE 0 and UE 1, you should see 2 videos played at mobile station monitor
  1. Follow below steps for sending video from mobile station and play video at base station:
  • In mobile station, open the folder contains the video files includes the video scripts, for-instance: C:\Application Framework\Video Files for Demo\Video Demo MIMO\Mobile Station 
  • Double click on Stream Video MIMO UE 0 and Stream Video MIMO UE 1 for sending 2 videos to base station
  • In base station, open the folder contains the video files includes the video scripts, for-instance: C:\Application Framework\Video Files for Demo\Video Demo MIMO\Mobile Station 
  • Double click on Play Video MIMO UE 0 and Play Video MIMO UE 1 for playing videos sent from UE 0 and UE 1, you should see 2 videos played at base station monitor