LabVIEW SubPanels Always Show as Front Object When Updated

Updated Dec 4, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

I am using LabVIEW SubPanels that I have placed behind other front panel objects. When I run my VI and my SubPanel updates, the SubPanel becomes the front-most object on my main VI panel and blocks my other controls and indicators. How do I change this?


This is a known bug, 314571. There are two workarounds available:
  1. Using the "Defer Front Panel Updates" property, setting this to "True" before calling the Subpanel and then manually refreshing the subpanel, as shown in the snippet below:
    1. SubPanel Snippet.png
  2. Setting a decoration on the VI called in the SubPanel as the front most object, overlapping the controls/indicators on the SubPanel. This decoration can be transparent so that it is not visible.

Additional Information

A LabVIEW Front Panel draws any updated front panel object when requested to by the operating system. This bug occurs due to an issue with underlapping on the SubPanel where updating the control/indicator from the SubPanel will cause it to be the front-most object rather than underlapping correctly.