Next Steps
1) If you want to delate the rectangles you've drawn you can add a chart event for example to the delete button, and then make the top left corner equal to the bottom left corner, hence making the rectangle 0 in size which will make it disappear:

2) If you need multiple rectangles you can create a list or an array of rectangles. For a certain event (mouse double click, button press, whatever) he can add a new rectangle to the list.
A nice example of the code can be found in the [EXTERNAL]
Drawing Multiple Rectangles c# question.
3)We would recommend dedicating a keypress event for selecting the active rectangle which you can draw, delete, resize, etc. So only the active rectangle is affected by any mouse or keyboard event like deletion, but every rectangle in the array gets drawn at each iteration.
For example for each press of the TAB key, you can select the i+1 rectangle in your array or list it as active. In order to distinguish the active rectangle you can use a separate color to draw it:

Or you can use Annotations (each rectangle will have a label, e.g. 1, 2, 3...) and a numeric indicator to tell you which rectangle is the active one.