64-bit CAN Signal Could Not be Received

Updated Jun 13, 2023

Reported In


  • VeriStand

Issue Details

I am using VeriStand 2019 to received 64-bit CAN signal. All I received is 0.
How could I resolve this?


In order to read frame data in 64-bit field. It is advice to enable treat DBL as U64 bitfield.
Refer below step to enable it :
  1. Start VeriStand Application
  2. Click File >>Preferences >>General >>System Explorer Options >>XNET
  3. Enable on Treat DBL as U64 bitfieldimage.png

Additional Information

Typically , displaying data or sending data from user interface will be always restricted to IEEE 754 double which is up to 52-bit. Therefore , enable the setting will be useful to pass 64-bit data within VeriStand.