Is There Any Limit In Cascading NI SMU?

Updated Dec 6, 2023

Reported In


  • PXI Source Measure Unit

Issue Details

I would like to know what is the maximum number when cascading multiple NI SMU.


The maximum number of NI SMU to be cascaded depends on two criteria:
  1. The highest voltage from ground, VDC (which could be found in NI SMU specification).
  2. The maximum outputĀ of NI SMU.

For example, I have a PXIe-4145 and I would like to have a 100V differential, then I could cascade these PXIe-4145 in a way that several to reach +50V, and another several to reach -50V, both relative to ground. Since this does not exceed the highest voltage from ground. 60 VDC as stated in the spec .

Additional Information

Such a scheme would need to be very heavily scrutinized for safety. If the stacked signals aren't guaranteed to be balanced around 0V from ground, the 60V isolation rating might be exceeded and the setup could become unsafe.