Running the NI VeriStand Gateway Silently

Updated Oct 12, 2022



  • VeriStand

This article will explain and walk through how to deploy a system definition without launching a VeriStand user interface, such as VeriStand Editor or System Explorer.

By silently running the VeriStand Gateway, you can deploy a system definition, close the user interface, and then reconnect to the still-deployed project upon re-opening the user interface. This allows you to leave the system definition deployed while being able to connect and disconnect testing user interfaces as needed.

For VeriStand 2020 R4 or later versions, refer to Running the VeriStand Gateway Silently - NI VeriStand Manual

For VeriStand 2020 R3 and earlier versions, 
  1. Ensure you have installed the corresponding version of LabVIEW on your computer
  2. Download and open the attached LabVIEW project
  3. From Project Explorer, navigate to Build Specifications > SilentVS and build it
  4. From File Explorer, copy the built files SilentVeriStand.exe and SilentVeriStand.ini to <Program Files>\National Instruments\VeriStand <xxxx>
  5. In user's applications, call OpenVS(Silent).vi to run the NI VeriStand gateway silently and CloseVS(Silent).vi to close the gateway