Error -1073807339 on GPIB NI VISA Write Timeout

Updated May 9, 2022

Reported In




  • Third party GPIB instruments or devices (like XY Tables)

Issue Details

When I try to send several GPIB simple commands to the connected device.  My device responds to commands correctly then I receive the following error after a variable cycle of write commands: 
Error -1073807339 in VISA Write 

Visa Write error.PNG
I added a VISA Clear function in my code to empty buffers, but I have still the same issue.


Some GPIB devices use a local internal input buffer. If you write continuously, you can saturate this buffer and have an overflow. If you are in this situation, usually you need to include a Read function before the Write function in the loop to empty the device input buffer. Or you can search into the manual of the supplier's GPIB device to know if there is a specific command to empty his internal buffer.