Load KUNBUS Configurator III XML Configuration File Programmatically in LabVIEW

Updated Sep 19, 2023



  • PXI PROFINET Interface Module
  • PXIe-8135
  • PXIe-1062Q


  • LabVIEW 2017



Operating System

  • Windows


KUNBUS Configurator III

This article would guide to load the KUNBUS Configurator III application generated  XML configuration file programmatically in LabVIEW. Once the XML configuration files are loaded using LabVIEW, the user is able to automate the loading of the PROFINET IO configuration and thus the controller and device communication is established.
Prerequisite Knowledge:
  1. LabVIEW 2017
  2. PROFINET Communication
  3. KUNBUS Configurator III
  4. KUNBUS LabVIEW PROFINET VISA Driver Installed

The XML configuration file can be loaded into the PXI PROFINET Interface Module's memory by using LoadConfigXML.vi and Reset.vi function blocks in example VI.
The configuration steps are as follows:
  1. Open the KUNBUS Configurator III application and create the PROFINET IO Configurations project as mentioned in DF PROFINET I/O for PXI Installation and MAX Configuration. The KUNBUS Configurator III saves the project at default file path: C:\Program Data\Configurator3\<Project Name>.

  2. Open the DF PROFINET IO Examples by navigating to LabVIEW>>Help>>Find Examples>>Toolkits and Modules>>Third-Party Add-Ons>>KUNBUS GmbH>>PROFINET and open the LabVIEW Project DF PROFINET IO GettingStarted.lvproj.DF PROFINET GettingStarted Project

  3. Open the DF PROFINET IO GettingStarted Controller.vi block diagram.
  4. Right-click on the block diagram to open Functions Palette>> Select a VI
  5. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20xx\vi.lib\KUNBUS GmbH\DF PROFINET IO as shown in the below image.SubVI File Path
  6. Select the CS_PN_Controller_LoadConfigXML.vi and CS_PN_Reset.vi and place in the block diagram as shown in the below image.Block Diagram Addition
  7. Save the DF PROFINET IO GettingStarted Controller.vi.
  8. In the File Path control, enter the file path of the inner ippnio.xml file created by Configurator III as shown in the below image. The default file path for Windows OS is C:\Program Data\Configurator3\<Project Name>\ippnio\IPPNIO\0\ippnio.xml.IPPINIO File Path
  9. Run the DF PROFINET IO GettingStarted Controller.vi.and DF PROFINET IO GettingStarted Device.vi to establish the PROFINET Communication.

After including the CS_PN_Controller_LoadConfigXML.vi and CS_PN_Reset.vi into the DF PROFINET IO GettingStarted Controller.vi block diagram, the PROFINET IO configurations are loaded into the PXI PROFINET Interface Module's memory programmatically using LabVIEW. By connecting port 1 to port 2  (loopback) of the PXI PROFINET Interface Module, the results of the loopback communication are shown in the below image.
Controller VI Device VI