Error -125530 Found in Error Logfiles When Installing NI Package Manager

Updated Nov 2, 2023

Reported In


  • Package Manager

Issue Details

After I click “Install” button on the NI Package Manager (NIPM), I do not see any installation’s progression bar in the NIPM. Then, NIPM shows the error as below:

An error occurred while installing a package: ni-package-manager-deployment-support (xx.xx.xxxxx-x).

Other error information:
An error occurred while installing MSI in ‘ni-package-manager-deployment-support.msi’.

Screen Shot 2022-10-17 at 4.17.00 PM (1).png

According to this NI KB: Generating and Locating NI Package Manager Error Logs, I generate an error log file for NIPM. The error logfile return an error -125530 in ‘ni-package-manager-deployment-support.msi’. The error is shown as below:

Error -125530! An error occurred while installing MSI in ‘ni-package-manager-deployment-support.msi’.

MsiInstallProduct returned 1625.
In OnTransactionStep, an error occurred in the operation type ‘install’.

image.pngError Logfiles.png


This error can be happening if your machine is experiencing an error associated with Windows error 1625. The error 1625 in Windows mostly happens when there is a security policy enabled that can be blocking the installation in the machine.

You may try the following steps to troubleshoot your issue:
  • Make sure you have administrative rights on your PC.
  • Make sure that there is no specific Group Policy that could block the software from being installed. You can refer to this external link to check for the Group Policy.
  • Ask for support from your IT department.
  • If you are using Windows 11, specifically with the H22 release and later, you could be experiencing this issue if you have Smart App Control enabled. The Smart App Control is not recommended for all users of Windows, and you will have an evaluation period for the app to evaluate if you are a good candidate for using it. If you have manually enabled it, the solution will be to disable Smart App Control by accessing the [EXTERNAL LINK] Smart App Control settings.
  • If these steps do not solve your issue, contact Microsoft Support for assistance.