IMAQdx: Some Parts of Images Taken by GigE Camera are Missing

Updated Sep 25, 2021

Reported In


  • NI-IMAQdx

Issue Details

I have a Balser GigE Camera (acA5471), which is loaded on NI MAX. When I snap or grab, some parts of the captured images get masked out, as shown below. What is causing this behavior? For reference, this behavior is not observed on Basler's Pylon Viewer. 

Original Image (Pylon Viewer)

Image with Some Part Missing (NI MAX) - Example 1

Image with Some Part Missing (NI MAX) - Example 2

Image with Some Part Missing (NI MAX) - Example 3


Anti-virus software may be limiting the bandwidth of data transfer and thus causing the issue. Turn it off and see if the problem remains.