Error 0x7 File Not Found or Open VI Reference in DAQ Engine.lvlib Error When Deploying VeriStand

Updated Nov 2, 2023

Reported In


  • VeriStand

Issue Details

When I try to deploy my VeriStand project, I receive this error:
LabVIEW: (Hex 0x7) File not found. The file might be in a different location or deleted. Use the command prompt or the file explorer to verify that the path is coprrect.

Nonexistent GPIB interface.

NI VeriStand: Open VI Reference in DAQ Engine.lvlib:Call Init>DAQ Engine.lvlib:Create Virtual Channels>DAQ Engine.lvlib:DAQ_Init>NI VeriStand Engine.lvlib:Initalize DAQ>NI VeriStand Engine.lvlib:VeriStand Engine State>NI VeriStand.lvlib:VeriStand>NI VeriStand Engine.lvlib:VeriStand Engine Wrapper (RT).vi<APPEND>
VS Error.png

An empty VeriStand project may deploy and adding some hardware to the project may also be able to deploy successfully. But, certain additions to the System Explorer stop the project from deploying.

Why is this?


This error is reported when VeriStand is set to deploy to the wrong Operating System. 
For example. if you are deploying to an NI Linux RT target (such as a cRIO or PXI), make sure you have selected the correct option from 'Linux_64' and 'Linux_32_ARM'.
To identify what operating system your device uses, refer to Real-Time Controllers and Real-Time Operating System Compatibility or check the details of your device in NI MAX. 

Additional Information

Most NI RT hardware is Linux 64, with only a small number of devices being Linux_32_ARM targets such as the cRIO 906x series, myRIOs and a small selection of sbRIOs.